Abdusy Syarif was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. He received his Bachelor degree from Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, and he received his Master degree in Electrical Engineering from Universitas Indonesia. He was enganged as a researcher and scientist at CESI-Strasbourg after he received his PhD in 2015 from Université de Haute Alsace, France. His research interests involve ad hoc network, multimedia system, embedded system, Internet of Things, wireless sensor network, routing protocol, QoS and artificial intelligence.
He considers his self a forever student to stay in tune with the latest technologies. Currently working as a Lecturer, Data Scientist and IT Consultant.
Wise, brave, abundant, and always grateful. The meaning of life for him is the most beautiful gift. Therefore he has a mission to inspire people around him.
Email : abdusy at troi-z dot com (abdusy@troi-z.com)
Hobbies : Sport, Music, Automotive, Cinema
You can follow me on : Google Scholar, LinkedIn
Hey , hope you’re doing great .
I want first to thank you for sharing with us your life, work and passion. I was surfing on internet looking for anything related to AD hoc protocol and I had the pleasure to discover your web site , I’m working on NETWORK SIMULATOR , and I need to compare between the ad hoc protocols, and it will be nice if you answer me I have some questions to ask if it doesn’t disturb you of course.
thank you and hope to hear soon from you .