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Analyze Output Trace File Using Perl

Here is my script for analyze output trace file in NS-2 using Perl. This script is modified from Elmurod website


#ouput file. You should change this line according to your output file folder...Abdusy modified
open OUT, ">$ofile" or die "$0 cannot open output file $ofile: $!";
#my @pausetime = (10,50,100,200,400,600);
open (DR,STDIN);
#Init Data Packet Information
$dataSent = 0;
$dataRecv = 0;
$routerDrop = 0;
$aodvDataSent = 0;
#Init Routing Overhead & End-to-End Delay .............................Abdusy Added
$routingOverHead = 0;
$e2eDelay = 0 ;
#Init for counting end-to-end delay.............................Abdusy Added
$timesent = 0;
$timereceived = 0;
$timeav = 0;
$timeall = 0;
$idsent = 0;
$time = 0;
#Data Packet from Ad hoc-Host .............................Abdusy Added
$dataA2H = 0;
$dataH2A = 0;
#AODV Message Packet Information
$aodvSent = 0;
$aodvRecv = 0;
$aodvSentRequest = 0;
$aodvRecvRequest = 0;
$aodvDropRequest = 0;
$aodvSentReply = 0;
$aodvRecvReply = 0;
$aodvDropReply = 0;
$routerDropRequest = 0;
$routerDropReply = 0;
#loop...........................................for read trace file : Abdusy modified
foreach $pausetime (@pausetime) {
if ($granularity==0) {$granularity=30;}
#while ($line) [
#chomp $line;
#To split text in line .......................................Abdusy modified
($status, $t, $time, $data) = split ("t");
if (/^s/){
if (/^s.*AODV/) {
if (/^s.*REQUEST/) {
elsif (/^s.*REPLY/) {
#elsif (/^s.*AGT/) {
#	$aodvDataSent++;
#elsif (/^s.*cbr/) {
elsif (/^s.*AGT/ && /^s.*8388609/ && /^s.*4194305*/ && /^s.*cbr/) {
#elsif (/^s.*AGT/ && /^s.*4194305/ && /^s.*8388609*/ && /^s.*cbr/) {
#elsif (/^s.*AGT/ && /^s.*cbr/) {
#condition for counting routing over head....................Abdusy Added
elsif (/^f.*RTR/) {
elsif (/^r/){
if (/^r.*AODV/) {
if (/^r.*REQUEST/) {
elsif (/^r.*REPLY/) {
# For old Trace Format ------------------------------ ABDUSY : Modified
#elsif (/^r.*AGT/ && /^r.*cbr/) {
# For new Trace Format
elsif (/^r.*0 1.*cbr/) {
if (($spl[46] eq $idsent)) {
#print OUT "$pausetime t "."$aodvSent t"."$aodvRecv t". (($aodvSent != 0)?$aodvRecv /$aodvSent: 0)*100 ."n";
} elsif (/^D/) {
if (/^D.*AODV/) {
if (/^D.*REQUEST/) {
elsif (/^D.*REPLY/) {
if (/^D.*RTR/) {
# end if
# end for
close DR;
#Calculate packet delivery ratio
$delivery_ratio = (100*$dataRecv/$dataSent)		;
#Calculate routing over head = sum of aodv message x besar paket yaitu 48 byte dibagi waktu simulasi........Abdusy Added
$routingOverHead = (($routingOverHead + $aodvSent + $aodvRecv )* 48)/600;
#Calculate end-to-end delay .................................................Abdusy Added
print " n";
print " ##############################n";
print " #  *** ANALYZE & RESULT ***  #n";
print " ##############################n";
print " n";
print "AODV Sent		: $aodvSent packets n";
print "   AODV Sent Request	: $aodvSentRequestn";
print "   AODV Sent Reply	: $aodvSentReplyn";
print "------------------------------------n";
print "AODV Recv		: $aodvRecv packetsn";
print "   AODV Recv Request	: $aodvRecvRequestn";
print "   AODV Recv Reply	: $aodvRecvReplyn";
print "------------------------------------n";
print "Data Sent		: $dataSent packetsn";
print "Data Recv		: $dataRecv packetsn";
print "------------------------------------n";
print "Router Drop		: $routerDrop packetsn";
print "------------------------------------n";
print "Packet Delivery Ratio	: $delivery_ratio % n";
print "Routing Over Head	: $routingOverHead bytes per second n";
print " n";
print " n";
close OUT;
# This script is modified from from
# to use this script, you have to copy to /usr/bin
# and do "chmod 777 /usr/bin/"
# To analyze trace file just run "cat |"

3 thoughts on “Analyze Output Trace File Using Perl”

  1. linux@linux:~$ cd bin
    linux@linux:~/bin$ cat /
    cat: No such file or directory
    cat: /: Is a directory
    open OUT, “>$ofile” or die “$0 cannot open output file $ofile: $!”;
    open (DR,STDIN);
    #Data Packet Information
    $dataSent = 0;
    $dataRecv = 0;
    $routerDrop = 0;
    #AODV Packet Information
    $aodvSent = 0;
    $aodvRecv = 0;
    $aodvSentRequest = 0;
    $aodvRecvRequest = 0;
    $aodvDropRequest = 0;
    $aodvSentReply = 0;
    $aodvRecvReply = 0;
    $aodvDropReply = 0;
    if ($granularity==0) {$granularity=30;}
    if (/^s/){
    if (/^s.*AODV/) {
    if (/^s.*REQUEST/) {
    elsif (/^s.*REPLY/) {
    elsif (/^s.*AGT/) {
    } elsif (/^r/){
    if (/^r.*AODV/) {
    if (/^r.*REQUEST/) {
    elsif (/^r.*REPLY/) {
    elsif (/^r.*AGT/) {
    } elsif (/^D/) {
    if (/^D.*AODV/) {
    if (/^D.*REQUEST/) {
    elsif (/^D.*REPLY/) {
    if (/^D.*RTR/) {
    close DR;
    $delivery_ratio = 100*$dataRecv/$dataSent;
    print “AODV Sent : $aodvSent\n”;
    print “AODV Recv : $aodvRecv\n”;
    print “Data Sent : $dataSent\n”;
    print “Data Recv : $dataRecv\n”;
    print “Router Drop : $routerDrop\n”;
    print “Delivery Ratio : $delivery_ratio \n”;
    print OUT “Messages Sent,$dataSent\n”;
    print OUT “Messages Recieved,$dataRecv\n”;
    print OUT “Messages Dropped,$routerDrop\n”;
    print OUT “Delivery Rate,$delivery_ratio\n”;
    close OUT;
    linux@linux:~/bin$ chnod 777
    No command ‘chnod’ found, did you mean:
    Command ‘chmod’ from package ‘coreutils’ (main)
    chnod: command not found
    linux@linux:~/bin$ ns wireless.tcl
    num_nodes is set 20
    Loading connection pattern…
    couldn’t read file “cbr-20-10-1”: no such file or directory
    while executing
    “source.orig cbr-20-10-1”
    (“uplevel” body line 1)
    invoked from within
    “uplevel source.orig [list $fileName]”
    invoked from within
    “if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] {
    set buffer [$instance_ read_url $fileName]
    uplevel eval $buffer
    } else {
    uplevel source.orig [list $fileName]
    (procedure “source” line 8)
    invoked from within
    “source $val(cp)”
    (file “wireless.tcl” line 95)
    linux@linux:~/bin$ cat /
    cat: /: Is a directory
    open OUT, “>$ofile” or die “$0 cannot open output file $ofile: $!”;
    open (DR,STDIN);
    #Data Packet Information
    $dataSent = 0;
    $dataRecv = 0;
    $routerDrop = 0;
    #AODV Packet Information
    $aodvSent = 0;
    $aodvRecv = 0;
    $aodvSentRequest = 0;
    $aodvRecvRequest = 0;
    $aodvDropRequest = 0;
    $aodvSentReply = 0;
    $aodvRecvReply = 0;
    $aodvDropReply = 0;
    if ($granularity==0) {$granularity=30;}
    if (/^s/){
    if (/^s.*AODV/) {
    if (/^s.*REQUEST/) {
    elsif (/^s.*REPLY/) {
    elsif (/^s.*AGT/) {
    } elsif (/^r/){
    if (/^r.*AODV/) {
    if (/^r.*REQUEST/) {
    elsif (/^r.*REPLY/) {
    elsif (/^r.*AGT/) {
    } elsif (/^D/) {
    if (/^D.*AODV/) {
    if (/^D.*REQUEST/) {
    elsif (/^D.*REPLY/) {
    if (/^D.*RTR/) {
    close DR;
    $delivery_ratio = 100*$dataRecv/$dataSent;
    print “AODV Sent : $aodvSent\n”;
    print “AODV Recv : $aodvRecv\n”;
    print “Data Sent : $dataSent\n”;
    print “Data Recv : $dataRecv\n”;
    print “Router Drop : $routerDrop\n”;
    print “Delivery Ratio : $delivery_ratio \n”;
    print OUT “Messages Sent,$dataSent\n”;
    print OUT “Messages Recieved,$dataRecv\n”;
    print OUT “Messages Dropped,$routerDrop\n”;
    print OUT “Delivery Rate,$delivery_ratio\n”;
    close OUT;
    linux@linux:~/bin$ cat /
    cat: /: Is a directory
    # type: perl > output file
    #we compute how many bytes were transmitted during time interval specified
    #by granularity parameter in seconds
    open (DATA,”<$infile")
    || die "Can't open $infile $!";
    while () {
    @x = split(‘ ‘);
    #column 1 is time
    if ($x[1]-$clock <= $granularity)
    #checking if the event corresponds to a reception
    if ($x[0] eq 'r')
    #checking if the destination corresponds to arg 1
    if ($x[3] eq $tonode)
    #checking if the packet type is TCP
    if ($x[4] eq 'tcp')
    { $throughput=$sum/$granularity;
    print STDOUT "$x[1] $throughput\n";
    print STDOUT "$x[1] $throughput\n";
    close DATA;
    I have above result kindly suggest me what to do

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