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BonnMotion : A mobility scenario generation and analysis tool

Copyright © 2002-2011 University of Bonn
This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License which is included in the archive.
BonnMotion is a Java software which creates and analyses mobility scenarios. It is developed within the Communication Systems group at the Institute of Computer Science 4 of the University of Bonn, Germany, where it serves as a tool for the investigation of mobile ad hoc network characteristics. The scenarios can also be exported for the network simulators ns-2, ns-3, GloMoSim/QualNet, COOJA, MiXiM, and ONE. Several mobility models are supported, namely

  • the Random Waypoint model,
  • the Random Walk model,
  • the Gauss-Markov model,
  • the Manhattan Grid model,
  • the Reference Point Group Mobility model,
  • the Disaster Area model,
  • the Random Street model, and
  • further more.

For further information consult the documentation. For questions and feedback concerning BonnMotion, please subscribe to the BonnMotion mailing list.
For download BonnMotion, please visit here.

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