This is my tcl script for simulating Antnet routing protocol in wired network running on ns-2.34 using 14 nodes.
#Antnet tcl script modified by Abdusy Â
#Number of nodes
set sz 14
#Create event Schedular
set ns [ new Simulator ]
$ns color 1 Blue
$ns color 2 Red
The full tcl script you can Download here.
please send tcl script for ant colony optimization technique in adhoc network using ns-2.
i need procedure and tcl script for ant colony optimization on aodv
please send me the script for Ant colony optimization to
i need tcl script for ant colony optimization technique in AODV using ns-2.
i need procedure and tcl script for ant colony optimization on aodv
i need procedure and tcl script for ant colony optimization on aodv
i need tcl script for antnet routing alogorithm for wireless network.I will be very thankful to you if you could send it
Hello, did you find the tcl script for antnet in Wireless network?
Where can i find the same code but for wireless network?
i need tcl script for ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimzation by adhoc networks……
I require tcl script for ACO and particle swarm optimization in wireless ad-hoc networks. Thank you.
Please i nead tcl script for NS 2.34