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Share Internet Connection via Bluetooth on Ubuntu

I’m running Linux Ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop and I would like to share my internet connection via bluetooth.
What I am looking for is the following:
1. Internet comes at laptop via Wifi.
2. Laptop has Bluetooth and I would like to share the internet via Bluetooth.
3. Phone should connect to Bluetooth and receive Internet via Bluetooth.
So, the case looks like this :
Phone — Bluetooth — Laptop — Wifi — Internet
And here is what I’ve done.
1. Install a pretty old app called blueman. $ sudo apt-get install blueman
2. click on blueman’s icon and click local services.
3. Now from the window click network. and enable Network Access point, click apply and save it.
4. Pairing the phone and laptop
5. Voila…Now you can access internet using bluetooth of my laptop from my phone.

3 thoughts on “Share Internet Connection via Bluetooth on Ubuntu”

  1. Great tutorial! Right to the point, and works! Although, on some devices, you have to go into the bluetooth device settings and enable internet access.

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