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Venue of Tencon 2011 at Sanur, Bali

The venue of Tencon 2011 is in Sanur, Bali, 22-24 November 2011. The next Tencon 2012 will held in Cebu, Philippine. I write this post just wanna to share about this event which sponsored by IEEE Region 10 and IEEE Indonesia Section also as  an organizer. The Co-sponsors are IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) and Universitas Indonesia. 

The topic of the keynote speakers are very interesting and some of topics are new to my ears. Prof. Nurul Sarkar talks about engineering education strategies. Next Prof. Ke Wu gives a speech about IC Substrate (SICS) applied. Followed by Prof. Rinaldy Damini discusses about energy scenarios and renewable energy taken various sources. Prof. Jong-Hwan Kim detailed and demonstrated their powerless robots. Each presentation provides an inspiration for researchers. Prof. Ke Wu explain about waveguide and Intrachip waveguide. In addition Prof. Kim who called as the Father of Robot Football explains how the mind set of contextual info, fuzzy logic, and social intelligence. After the keynote speech session, we have a photo session.

A lot of researchers, lecturers and students from Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, India, Korea, Japan, Singapore, China and also Indonesia. The funniest thing that I found along conference, people are busy with their own preparation for their presentation. And when it’s time for their presentation, they talk in english with their dialect. Sometimes it’s hard to understand what their talking about. I just read and see slides.

My session is on Thursday, 24 Nov 2011. According to schedule, I have to present our work at session 8 in Room 2. In my session, we have 6 presenters, but only 4 presenters attend to this session. We have a good discussion when presenter present their work. Because a lot of researcher who expert in this field of research. There are 3 presenters who works in the same field, ad hoc network. I’ve got a lot of friend in this event. Not just friend, I’ve got a lot of knowledge and opportunities too.
So, here is the certificate.

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